Results for 'David S. Areford'

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  1.  17
    David S. Areford, The Art of Empathy: The Mother of Sorrows in Northern Renaissance Art and Devotion. London, UK, and Jacksonville, FL: GILES for the Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens, 2013. Paper. Pp. 64; 50 color and many black-and-white figures. $17.95. ISBN: 978-1-907804-26-7. [REVIEW]Andrea Pearson - 2015 - Speculum 90 (1):196-198.
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    Reply to Tom Sterkenburg’s Commentary.David S. Watson - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (4):1-4.
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  3. Coincidence under a sortal.David S. Oderberg - 1996 - Philosophical Review 105 (2):145-171.
    The question whether two things can be in the same place at the same time is an ambiguous one. At least three distinct questions could be meant: Can two things simpliciter be in the same place at the same time? Can two things of the same kind be in the same place at the same time? Can two substances of the same kind be in the same place at the same time? The answers to these questions vary. In what follows, (...)
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  4. Finality revived: powers and intentionality.David S. Oderberg - 2017 - Synthese 194 (7):2387-2425.
    Proponents of physical intentionality argue that the classic hallmarks of intentionality highlighted by Brentano are also found in purely physical powers. Critics worry that this idea is metaphysically obscure at best, and at worst leads to panpsychism or animism. I examine the debate in detail, finding both confusion and illumination in the physical intentionalist thesis. Analysing a number of the canonical features of intentionality, I show that they all point to one overarching phenomenon of which both the mental and the (...)
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    BoltzCONS: Dynamic symbol structures in a connectionist network.David S. Touretzky - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 46 (1-2):5-46.
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    Philosophy's Second Revolution: Early and Recent Analytic Philosophy.David S. Clarke - 1997 - Open Court Publishing Company.
    Clarke proposes a conception of philosophy that provides an alternative to the reductions of materialism and the search for normative principles. Philosophy's proper role is to describe similarities and differences among differing levels of language, specifically the familiar level of discourse within an ordinary language shared by all and the specialized discourses of social institutions such as science, law, and the arts. By constructing a logical framework in which these comparisons and contrasts can be made, philosophy performs the indispensable role (...)
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    Transdisciplinary research for wicked problems: a transaction costs approach.David S. Conner - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1169-1172.
    This paper outlines different types of knowledge and how they are applied to different problem types. It makes the case that co-created knowledge, generated by innovative and collaborative partnerships of scholars within a transdisciplinary framework is best suited to address the most complex and therefore most important problems in food systems scholarship. It applies Transaction Costs theory to highlight some of the options we scholars face and applies these concepts to the issue of Payments for Ecosystems Services., with an analogy (...)
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    Masculinity and the Stalled Revolution: How Gender Ideologies and Norms Shape Young Men’s Responses to Work–Family Policies.David S. Pedulla & Sarah Thébaud - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (4):590-617.
    Extant research suggests that supportive work–family policies promote gender equality in the workplace and in the household. Yet, evidence indicates that these policies generally have stronger effects on women’s preferences and behaviors than men’s. In this article, we draw on survey-experimental data to examine how young, unmarried men’s gender ideologies and perceptions of normative masculinity may moderate the effect of supportive work–family policy interventions on their preferences for structuring their future work and family life. Specifically, we examine whether men’s prescriptive (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Is prime matter energy?David S. Oderberg - 2022 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 101 (3):534-550.
    This paper tests the following hypothesis: that the prime matter of classical Aristotelian-Scholastic metaphysics is numerically identical to energy. Is P=E? After outlining the classical Aristotelian concept of prime matter, I provide the master argument for it based on the phenomenon of substantial change. I then outline what we know about energy as a scientific concept, including its role and application in some key fields. Next, I consider the arguments in favour of prime matter being identical to energy, followed by (...)
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    Hare's account of moral reasoning.David S. Scarrow - 1966 - Ethics 76 (2):137-141.
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    Habermas's Developmental Logic Thesis: Universal or Eurocentric?David S. Owen - 1998 - Philosophy Today 42 (Supplement):104-111.
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    Philippines: an interview with Ruth S Callanta.David S. Lim - 1995 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 12 (1):12-14.
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    Comparative analysis of episodic memory.David S. Olton - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (2):250.
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    Communist ethics and Chinese tradition.David S. Nivison - 1954 - Cambridge,: Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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    Kant's Critique of Judgment: A biased aesthetics.David S. Miall - 1980 - British Journal of Aesthetics 20 (2):135-145.
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    Practical inferences.David S. Clarke - 1985 - Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
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    Closed Circles or Open Networks?: Communicating at a Distance during the Scientific Revolution.David S. Lux & Harold J. Cook - 1998 - History of Science 36 (2):179-211.
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    Is form structure?David S. Oderberg - unknown
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  19.  32
    Bradley's influence upon modern logic.David S. Scarrow - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 22 (3):380-382.
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    Death, unity and the brain.David S. Oderberg - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (5):359-379.
    The Dead Donor Rule holds that removing organs from a living human being without their consent is wrongful killing. The rule still prevails in most countries, and I assume it without argument in order to pose the question: is it possible to have a metaphysically correct, clinically relevant analysis of human death that makes organ donation possible? I argue that the two dominant criteria of death, brain death and circulatory death, are both empirically and metaphysically inadequate as definitions of human (...)
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    Lawyers & Vampires: Cultural Histories of Legal Professions edited by W. Wesley Pue & David Sugarman.David S. Caudill - 2004 - Legal Ethics 7 (2):276-284.
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  22. Neuropsychological functioning and recall of research consent information among drug court clients.David S. Festinger, Kattiya Ratanadilok, Douglas B. Marlowe, Karen L. Dugosh, Nicholas S. Patapis & David S. DeMatteo - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (2):163 – 186.
    Evidence suggests that research participants often fail to recall much of the information provided during the informed consent process. This study was conducted to determine the proportion of consent information recalled by drug court participants following a structured informed consent procedure and the neuropsychological factors that were related to recall. Eighty-five participants completed a standard informed consent procedure to participate in an ongoing research study, followed by a 17-item consent quiz and a brief neuropsychological battery 2 weeks later. Participants performed (...)
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    Merit and Responsibility: A Study in Greek Values. Arthur W. H. Adkins.David S. Scarrow - 1962 - Ethics 72 (2):144-146.
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    Introduction—Purpose in Biology: New directions.David S. Oderberg - 2024 - Ratio 37 (4):269-271.
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  25. The media and democracy : using democratic theory in journalism ethics.David S. Allen & Elizabeth Blanks Hindman - 2014 - In Wendy N. Wyatt (ed.), The ethics of journalism: individual, institutional and cultural influences. New York: I.B. Tauris.
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    Beyond the schema given: Affective comprehension of literary narratives.David S. Miall - 1989 - Cognition and Emotion 3 (1):55-78.
    The narratives studied by schema-based models or story grammars are generally simpler than those found in literary texts, such as short stones or novels. Literary narratives are indeterminate, exhibiting conflicts between schemata and frequent ambiguities in the status of narrative elements. An account of the process of comprehending such complex narratives is beyond the reach of purely cognitive models. It is argued that during comprehension response is controlled by affect, which directs the creation of schemata more adequate to the text. (...)
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  27. Essays on Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit, SUNY Press.David S. Stern (ed.) - 2012 - SUNY.
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    Vocation across the academy: a new vocabulary for higher education.David S. Cunningham (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Although the language of vocation was born in a religious context, the contributors in this volume demonstrate that it has now taken root within the broad framework of higher education and has become intertwined with a wide range of concerns. This volume makes a compelling case for vocational reflection and discernment in undergraduate education today, arguing that it will encourage faculty and students alike to venture out of their narrow disciplinary specializations and to reflect on larger questions of meaning and (...)
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    Essays on Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit: Imaginative Transformation and Ethical Action in Literature.David S. Stern (ed.) - 2013 - State University of New York Press.
    The first English-language collection devoted to Hegel’s Philosophy of Subjective Spirit.
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    Interpreting rights and culture: Extendinglaw's empire.David S. Berry - 1998 - Res Publica 4 (1):3-28.
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    How Medicare Is Altering the Hospice Movement.David S. Greer & Vincent Mor - 1985 - Hastings Center Report 15 (5):5-9.
    In 1982, without waiting for the findings of the National Hospice Study, Congress passed legislation enabling certified hospices to receive Medicare reimbursement. What emerged is a reimbursement program that differs substantially from the movement that spawned it. Hospices now face many dilemmas, among them shifting the burden of care to the family, determining who controls the course of patient care, and breaking even financially.
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    Between Reason and History: Habermas and the Idea of Progress.David S. Owen - 2002 - State University of New York Press.
    The first book-length treatment in English of Habermas’s theory of social evolution and progress.
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    The Old New Logic: Essays on the Philosophy of Fred Sommers.David S. Oderberg (ed.) - 2005 - Bradford/MIT Press.
    Over the course of a career that has spanned more than fifty years, philosopher Fred Sommers has taken on the monumental task of reviving the development of Aristotelian (syllogistic) logic after it was supplanted by the predicate logic of Gottlob Frege and Bertrand Russell. The enormousness of Sommers's undertaking can be gauged by the fact that most philosophers had come to believe - as David S. Oderberg writes in his preface - that "Aristotelian logic was good but is now (...)
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    COVID‐19, history, and humility.David S. Jones - 2020 - Centaurus 62 (2):370-380.
    Amid the current COVID-19 crisis, everyone has been called upon to offer assistance. What can historians contribute? One obvious approach is to draw on our knowledge of the history of epidemics and proclaim the lessons of history. But does history offer clear lessons? To make their expertise relevant, some historians assert that there are enduring patterns in how societies respond to all epidemics that can inform our experiences today. Others argue that there are informative analogies between specific past epidemics and (...)
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    Principles of Semiotic.David S. Clarke - 1987 - Routledge.
    4.2 Conventional signs -- 4.3 Signals -- 4.4 Features of communicative systems -- 5 Language -- 5.1 The role of subjects -- 5.2 Denotation and reference -- 5.3 Meaning, truth and illocutionary force -- 5.4 Addresses -- 5.5 Discourse -- Postscript -- Notes -- Name index -- Subject index.
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    Action, passion, power.David S. Oderberg - 2024 - Noûs.
    The active/passive distinction, once a hallmark of classical metaphysics, has largely been discarded from contemporary thought. The revival of powers theory has not seen an equally vigorous rehabilitation of the real distinction between active and passive powers. I begin an analysis and vindication with a critique of E.J. Lowe's discussion. I then argue that the active/passive problem is a metaphysical one, not a logical or logico‐linguistic one, and so logic is impotent to solve it. Following this is a discussion of (...)
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    Neural networks in artificial intelligence.David S. Touretzky - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 62 (1):163-164.
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  38. Espousing interactions and Fielding reactions: Addressing laypeople's beliefs about genetic determinism.David S. Moore - 2008 - Philosophical Psychology 21 (3):331 – 348.
    Although biologists and philosophers of science generally agree that genes cannot determine the forms of biological and psychological traits, students, journalists, politicians, and other members of the general public nonetheless continue to embrace genetic determinism. This article identifies some of the concerns typically raised by individuals when they first encounter the systems perspective that biologists and philosophers of science now favor over genetic determinism, and uses arguments informed by that perspective to address those concerns. No definitive statements can yet be (...)
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    A Distributed Connectionist Production System.David S. Touretzky & Geoffrey E. Hinton - 1988 - Cognitive Science 12 (3):423-466.
    DCPS is a connectionist production system interpreter that uses distributed representations. As a connectionist model it consists of many simple, richly interconnected neuron‐like computing units that cooperate to solve problems in parallel. One motivation for constructing DCPS was to demonstrate that connectionist models are capable of representing and using explicit rules. A second motivation was to show how “coarse coding” or “distributed representations” can be used to construct a working memory that requires far fewer units than the number of different (...)
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  40. Johnston on human beings.David S. Oderberg - 1989 - Journal of Philosophy 86 (3):137-41.
  41. Being and goodness.David S. Oderberg - unknown
    The old scholastic principle of the "convertibility" of being and goodness strikes nearly all moderns as either barely comprehensible or plain false. "Convertible" is a term of art meaning "interchangeable" in respect of predication, where the predicates can be exchanged salva veritate albeit not salva sensu: their referents are, as the maxim goes, really the same albeit conceptually different. The principle seems, at first blush, absurd. Did the scholastics literally mean that every being is good? Is that supposed to include (...)
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    A Recovery Capital and Stress-Buffering Model for Post-deployed Military Parents.David S. DeGarmo & Abigail H. Gewirtz - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ontology and Lalangue(or, Blackness and Language).David S. Marriott - 2022 - Critical Philosophy of Race 10 (2):220-247.
    In this essay I reconsider Lacan’s theory of the signifier in relation to the late concept lalangue and blackness. The article is intended as a summary of the arguments put forward in the author’s Lacan Noir (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021).
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  44. The aesthetics of love in coleridge.David S. Miall - 1983 - British Journal of Aesthetics 23 (1):18-24.
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    On the dialectic between molecular biology and integrative physiology: Toward a new medical science.David S. Goldstein - 1997 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 40 (4):505-515.
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    A meta-science for a global bioethics and biomedicine.David S. Basser - 2017 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 12:9.
    BackgroundAs suggested by Shook and Giordano, understanding and therefore addressing the urgent international governance issues around globalizing bio-medical/technology research and applications is limited by the perception of the underlying science.MethodsA philosophical methodology is used, based on novel and classical philosophical reflection upon existent literature, clinical wisdoms and narrative theory to discover a meta-science and telos of humankind for the development of a relevant and defendable global biomedical bioethics.ResultsIn this article, through pondering an integrative systems approach, I propose a biomedical model (...)
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  47. Could there be a superhuman species?David S. Oderberg - unknown
    Transhumanism is the school of thought that advocates the use of technology to enhance the human species, to the point where some supporters consider that a new species altogether could arise. Even some critics think this at least a technological possibility. Some supporters also believe the emergence of a new, improved, superhuman species raises no special ethical questions. Through an examination of the metaphysics of species, and an analysis of the essence of the human species, I argue that the existence (...)
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  48.  14
    Understanding Shield Laws.David S. Cohen, Greer Donley, Rachel Rebouché & Isabelle Aubrun - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (3):584-591.
    In anticipation of extraterritorial application of antiabortion laws, many states have enacted laws that attempt to shield abortion providers, helpers, and patients from civil, professional, or criminal liability associated with legal abortion care. This essay analyzes and compares the statutory schemes of the seven early adopting shield states: California, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York. After describing what the laws do and how they operate, we offer reflections on coming disputes, areas of legal uncertainty, and ways to (...)
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    How do babies come to know what babies know?David S. Moore & David J. Lewkowicz - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e138.
    Elizabeth Spelke's What Babies Know is a scholarly presentation of core knowledge theory and a masterful compendium of empirical evidence that supports it. Unfortunately, Spelke's principal theoretical assumption is that core knowledge is simply the innate product of cognitive evolution. As such, her theory fails to explicate the developmental mechanisms underlying the emergence of the cognitive systems on which that knowledge depends.
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  50. The Moral Relativism of Marxism.David S. Levin - 1984 - Philosophical Forum 15 (3):249.
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